The Earth itself is a magnetic sphere, and there is a very strong magnetic field around it, which is the geomagnetic field. Natural gemstones form a small magnetic field around the human body, this field can stable a person's emotions, and regulate the magnetic order.
The energy of gemstone can passes through heat, sound & pressure. By holding the stone in hand we can feel the vibration from there, absorbed by the individual's internal aura, so the aura becomes strong enough to resist negative external vibrations from external sources.
The Vibration of the gemstone can help improve health, and luck, and regulate emotion.
It's been told gemstone is good for human health. It's because gemstone has a positive vibration and magnetic field, which helps in balancing human's magnetic order. It can absorb energy and release information.
The vibrational energy in these gemstones is considered a substitute for the five basic elements of the human body (air, water, fire, earth, and weather). Balance can lead to physical and mental health.
The many benefits of using gemstones in personal life, career, marriage, business, health
and can also help reduce past karmic reactions.